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Examination, Change, and Growth

The leadership and congregation of St. Paul’s have gone through several years of change, leading to introspection and inward growth.

In June 2022, St. Paul’s undertook an exhaustive community-wide engagement of diverse and important stakeholders from across Flint for a dynamic and collaborative COMMUNITY ASSET MAPPING EVENT.  Click the link below to access the report of the 2022 Community Asset Mapping Activity, and to learn more about this important undertaking.  Partners for Sacred Places and Asset Mapping

Secondly, the Strategic Visioning document came about via more concerted work for parishioners and community members to create a clear vision of how we want to see our space used to fulfill the vision we have for St. Paul’s and its role in our community.  The work of the Strategic Visioning endeavors are summarized here:  Partners for Sacred Places Visioning Summary