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St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

711 S. Saginaw Street
Flint, MI 48502

T: 810.234.863

To leave a message, extension:
100 Holly Richardson, Director of Music
103 Rayna Hauter, Ministry and Assistances Coordinator
104 Karein Russell, Administrative Assistant
105 George Gibson, Director of Finance
108 Father Thomas Manney, Rector
114 Ed Arter, Parish Organist

Email: [email protected]


St. Paul’s Office Hours
9 AM—2 PM
Fr. Tom:  Tuesday – Thursday
(by appointment)
810-234-8637 Ext. 108


Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan
The Episcopal Church


If you are interested in reserving the building for your meeting or event, complete the proper form and submit to the Administrative Assistant at [email protected].

Here are the links to the Building Use Forms:

Church Use1 –  St. Paul’s Church Building Use form

Non-Church Use – Non-Church Building Use Rental Agreement


Sunday 10:00 AM
Our normal service is the Holy Eucharist Rite II featuring the St. Paul’s Chancel Choir, St. Paul’s Gospel Choir or St. Paul’s Bell Choir. The service is streamed on the Parish Facebook page.

Sunday 8:00 AM
In late 2023, the 8:00 AM Sunday service was reinstated.  This small, quiet service follows the traditions of Rite II.  It is not streamed on Facebook.

Wednesday 12:10 PM
These services resumed on September 15, 2021, typically in the Lady Chapel, although at times we will worship in other sacred spaces in the church or in the cloister outside.  Check to see where the service is, and plan to join us.  The service on Wednesday tends to be smaller in attendance, and more informal.  The Wednesday Mass is not streamed on Facebook.



Father Tom Manney, Rector
George Gibson, Director of Finance
Holly Richardson, Director of Music
Karein Russell, Administrative Assistant
Terrence Whitehead, Sexton
TaMara Oertel, Senior Warden

Please use the following email address to contact us:
[email protected]




Use this link for a full Vestry and Staff Directory