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Each week St. Paul’s celebrates Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays at 12:10 pm, and Sundays at 8:00 am and 10:00 am.

Worship with St. Paul’s in the Episcopal Tradition

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church holds weekly services each Sunday at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.  Both services are conducted in person, and the 10:00 AM service is streamed on line on our Facebook page.
Weekday Mass on Wednesdays at 12:10 pm.  The location of this Mass rotates between any of St. Paul’s five chapels.  They are not live streamed on Facebook.




What to expect when you worship God at St. Paul’s:

Of course, we hope you experience the grace and power of God’s love and forgiveness! Here’s how this might happen:

Sunday Mornings

Our larger service is at 10:00 AM. The service (we call it “Mass” — but calling it Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion is fine, too) runs between an hour and an hour-and-a half. We are a “liturgical” church, which means the structure of the Mass is the same from Sunday to Sunday. However, the scripture (Bible) readings change every week, as do the hymns (which are accompanied by our pipe organ or piano), the anthem our choir sings, and the sermon. All are welcome to receive Holy Communion, which we believe is the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The 8:00 AM Mass is the smaller of the two. It runs between 45 minutes and an hour. The scripture readings and sermon are the same as at the 10:00 AM Mass.

The 10:00 AM Mass we call “Rite Two”, which uses modern English. Both liturgies come from The Book of Common Prayer, which is what the Anglican (and later American Episcopal) Church has used in one form or another since 1549.

There isn’t a dress code — some people dress up, others are quite casual: it makes no difference to us (just as long as you’re dressed!).

Wednesday at Noon

We begin at 12:10 PM, and this Mass runs between 30 and 40 minutes — perfect for people who keep a lunch hour. We use the “Rite Two” service, with a short sermon and, of course, Holy Communion. The location of this Mass rotates between any of St. Paul’s five chapels.

Holy Days

We celebrate the Major Feasts kept on the Episcopal Church calendar.  These services are similar to our Wednesday services. Like us on Facebook to receive event invitations and updates.

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Parking and Accessibility

We offer free parking in our main lot behind (on the east side) of the church and in our smaller lot on the south side of the building. On-street parking is free on Sundays, but metered during the week. St. Paul’s is a block and a half from the MTA bus station, so we’re easily accessible by public transport. Our big front doors on Saginaw Street are open to you Sundays and Wednesdays. Our rear and south side doors are open Sundays, and the south side door is open Tuesday and Wednesday.