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Music at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church – Worship Services and More

Music is integral to our worship, and important to the traditions at St. Paul’s.

We honor our musical history as we are preparing to commemorate 150 years of our church on the corner of Third Street and Saginaw Street.  We have celebrated music and musicians from the very beginning when we used a flute and cello for our first service at the Tabernacle. From the start, we have used an organ as our primary instrument.  We continue our great musical traditions with artists using the Dalton Memorial Organ for our worship services and concert series.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church has a Chancel Choir, a Gospel Choir, a Handbell Choir, and of course, many opportunities for congregational singing during our Sunday services at 10:00 AM.  In addition, ​St. Paul’s invites artists to perform occasionally at downtown Flint’s monthly Art Walk and at our ‘Music in the Heart of the City’ concert program.

Music in the Heart of the City

‘Music in the Heart of the City’ is an exciting program that carries on St. Paul’s tradition of excellence in diverse musical offerings .  Our Music Director is Holly Richardson.



Holly Richardson, Director of Music

Holly Richardson began playing for church at the age of 12 and accompanying Junior Choir.  Earning a BME from the University of Michigan – Flint, and an MA from Marygrove College with additional hours from Vandercook College of Music and Western Michigan University, Holly retired from Flint Community Schools in 2016.  She has been an adjunct professor at Mott Community College since 1996, where she teaches The History of Rock and Roll and Music Appreciation. She is currently the Music Director and Artistic Director at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Flint, Michigan.  She joined New Century Chorale in January 2018 as their collaborative pianist and has also been the collaborative pianist for U of M-Flint, and Mt. Morris Schools and enjoys rug hooking.  Holly is married, has two children, five grandchildren and a little dog, Bella.


Our current organ is the third organ built for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and was completed in 2018. This organ was built by Jerroll Adams of Milan Michigan, where he expanded and used the best of the pipe work from the second organ completed in 1940. The instrument contains eight divisions, 71 registers, 88 ranks and over 5,000 pipes. The pipes are housed in three functional cases plus an echo division in the rear gallery. The organ has a four manual console and a small two manual mini console in the gallery.

The organ was named after Florence Whiting Dalton, born to James H. Whiting and Alice M. Northup. Alice died on December 30, 1940 and her family generously gifted the church with funds for the second organ. Today’s organ pays tribute to the generous gift of her family, by continuing to be called the Dalton Memorial Organ.